Celeste Jackson Interiors

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4 Tips to Refresh & Revitalize Your Home After the Holidays

After all the pent-up anticipation and excitement of the holidays comes to a close, we can often hit a bit of low, having to take down all of the magic the holiday decor brings to our homes, but with every door that closes, a window opens. 

This lull period is the perfect time to organize your space and create a home that makes you feel refreshed, revitalized, and ready to take on the new year. 

Join me while I share a few tips in practical design and organization to declutter mental and physical space by creating a clean, orderly, and harmonious living space…

Tip #1: Give Your Space a Deep Clean 

Deep cleaning every home detail can be very overwhelming. Add in all of the festive decor that needs to be taken down and stored, and this task can become even more daunting. However, there is a trick to tackling the madness. 

For every corner where you remove holiday items, you deep clean dusting by wiping down surfaces and baseboards, vacuuming hard-to-reach spots, cleaning windows, etc. While diligence is key, the process of sectioning helps to break down the size of your home bit by bit, resulting in newly refreshed areas. 

Alternatively, there is never any shame in hiring help. Although I enjoy doing it myself, I enjoy having help from family and hired help. No matter how you accomplish the task, it will always leave you with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment, especially going into the new year.

Tip #2: Be Purposeful In Your Decorating 

Incorporating everyday decor back in should be purposeful. Make sure you're displaying pieces that you still visually enjoy and that serve a purpose. If you haven't used the item in a while or you don't love it anymore, donate it. 

A good rule of thumb that I like to use is for every new piece I'd like to purchase, I need to have a specific place in mind as well as an existing piece in that space that has served it’s purpose & ready to pass on. As an organizational specialist, Marie Kondo says, “Discard everything that does not spark joy.” & “ Never discard anything without saying thank you and goodbye.”

 Remember, change is exciting and full of possibilities. You might consider trying new window treatments or a paint refresh. Don't be afraid to explore with your ever-changing style.

For more decluttering tips, read My #1 Secret to Decluttering Your Home & How to Make It Last.

Tip #3: Create Order Through Organization

Creating order through organization is very cathartic and should not cause more stress and chaos in your life. If your home is past the point of simple orderly changes and refreshes, it may be time to hire a professional. 

Decluttering and organizing common spaces can be done in small segments and as a family. Perhaps you add a meal planning board to your kitchen or a dedicated basket for each family member in your entry. Whatever the new systems and/or rules that you put in place should be realistic and easily communicated for success.

Tip #4: Make Time for Little Moments

Deep cleaning and organizing your entire home may seem like an impossible feat for many, but doing so in small pockets over time makes this much more feasible. Personally, I set a daily timer on my phone when I get home for 25 minutes in which the only rule is that I don't stop cleaning until that bell goes off. 

It's amazing how much you can get done in such a short window of time. More often than not, I get into such a rhythm that I don't want to stop and end up feeling eager to continue the next day. As a daily habit, this enables me to continuously keep a well-organized and clean home that I can feel empowered in and excited to come home to. 

One last note to leave you on: When decluttering and cleaning, don't forget to pace yourself and be mindful of making time for little moments. Bringing in the new year doesn't mean that you need to become a well-kept home olympian overnight. Take time to breathe, enjoy the process, and look around at this beautiful home that you have created.

Are you struggling to decorate a space in your home? Do you sorta know what you want but just need some guidance? A virtual interior design room review will do the trick! With the Room Review package, I'll review your room and create an assessment of what's working and what's not so you can fill your space with exactly the kind of things that reflect the look you want.


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