Celeste Jackson Interiors

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7 Ways to Create an Inspiring Home Office

After 2020 we all know how important a home office is. But what if your office is a dark room with a desk piled high with old bills and unfinished projects? You probably won’t be very productive there. 

Whether you manage your home and family or you're a corporate CEO, your home office should inspire you to do your best work, because either way, I know you have a never-ending to-do list.

Today, I’m sharing 7 tips on creating a home office space that will keep you on task and relaxed every day.  Let’s go!

1. Your Chair Impacts Your Long-Term Health

Choose an office chair with special care. Comfort comes first and if it’s stylish that’s a bonus. If you buy your chair online make sure you know how long you have to make a return if it isn’t the right chair for you.

When you’re looking for a chair you want it to have lumbar support. Without lumbar support, it will be like walking around in a pair of shoes that don’t fit, soooo uncomfortable.  If you have an uncomfortable chair you will be focused on how painful and awkward you feel in your chair instead of doing your best work. 

 I love the chair options from Laura! Check them out! 

2. Buy a Desk that Works as Hard as You

A desk in an inspiring office should be inviting and free from clutter. Whether it's wood, glass, stone, or laminate it should allow your arms to rest comfortably and your mouse to glide smoothly. 

The height can vary depending on your comfort level but ideally, you want an average of 10" between your seat and the bottom of your work surface. An adjustable chair is a must to adjust as needed to your work surface. 

Want an adjustable desk? Make sure it allows you to stand and set your elbows at a 90-degree angle when in the standing position.

3. Create Storage and a Filing System 

An inspiring home office has an intentional storage and filing system. This seems like an easy detail to overlook with all the digital storage these days but there are still documents that need a safe place to land with easy accessibility.  

I suggest a small rolling filing cabinet that slips under your desk. However, if you require more substantial storage, a built-in storage option may work best for you. Check out this blog post, A Woman's Home Office where I designed custom cabinetry to accommodate her needs.

4. Choose Flexible Lighting OptionsA Woman's Home Office

Why should you have flexible lighting options? Flexible lighting allows you to have a well-lit room during different times of the day, for varying tasks, and changing seasons.

Have you ever been sitting at your desk and all of a sudden it feels like the lights just went out when it was just the cloud covering the sun? With a glaring computer monitor, it might be tempting to keep working and ignore any need for adjustment.  

But over time poor lighting can cause eye strain and stress you’re trying to avoid in a relaxing home office. Install an overhead light to keep constant light in the room and to keep your stress down.

A proper lighting plan should include a ceiling fixture, a desk lamp, and an additional source of light for flexibility whether that be a floor lamp or recessed lighting. I go deeper into this topic in this blog post Home Lighting for Your Health and Well Being.

The type of bulbs you use in your fixtures is also crucial. My preference is still incandescent and incandescent halogen although I'm seeing enough improvements in LED to incorporate those as well. In the post-Healthy Home Lighting, I go over the best lighting for your home. 

A good place to start shopping for your home office lighting is Shades of Light. I like that their focus is on lighting and not thousands of other products. It's an easy site to navigate for the consumer. Start with your ceiling fixture and build from there.

5. Add Soft Elements to Absorb SoundHome Lighting for Your Health and Well Being.Healthy Home Lighting

Soft surfaces absorb sound but they also add warmth and texture for inspiration. 

If you have a wood floor, consider adding an area rug for comfort and color. 

Window treatments can add that soft element too but they also add another layer to adjustable light and temperature control in the room. An upholstered chair or sofa can add style and give you a place to retreat to when you just need a break from what you're working on. 

Plants are also a great way to add texture and help purify the air from harmful toxins.

6. Your Video Calls Deserve a Beautiful Backdrop 

Plan your backdrop thoughtfully. Ideally, a bookshelf with books that reflect you and your lifestyle, and a few tastefully selected objects. Picture frames are fine but be selective about what you share. You don't want anything that's distracting to your meetings.

Have a good source of light to illuminate your face when you’re on the camera. Whether it's a window or an electric light source, test it out before jumping on an actual video call. You'll feel at your best when you look your best.

7. Select Small Touches that Make You Smile

Your home office should have reminders that lift your spirits. A family photo on your desk, a piece of art that allows you to escape for a moment, or a window that allows you to look out into nature. You want something to rest your eyes on when you need a break. These are the items that create balance in your space. 

When you personalize your office walls with a soothing shade of blue or a simple white you will begin to relax enough to focus on the tasks at hand. Soothing wall colors can motivate you.

It might seem overwhelming as you start the process but as you start making your selections things will fall into place. Start with the essentials and build around your foundation. Each step will be more enjoyable than the last one.

If you’re still struggling, consider my Local or Online Design Services! My “Pick My Brain” package is perfect for getting started.


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