Creating a Home with Positive Energy
Your home should be a source of energy in your life, especially now. You don’t have to wait until you can afford all the beautiful furnishings you want or have all the renovation projects checked off your list. A home is a work in progress at all times.
You can create a home with positive energy, right now, where you are.
How is that possible?
You start by treating your home like a member of your family, with tender, loving, care. Your home is your baby and it deserves to be treated with tenderness & respect if you want it to thrive & evolve in a positive way.
Here are 7 ingredients you can add or implement to create a home with positive energy without a major investment or disruption to your life.
1.Minimize Clutter
Clutter drains your energy. I know, I know…there are those people that claim they thrive on clutter & know exactly where something is when they really need it.
Sorry, but I don’t buy that.
I see clutter in some of my clients homes & I see how it reflects back on their lives. It’s not positive. It might not be devastating but if you really want a home that’s harmonious & makes everything easier then it’s time to learn how to get rid of the things you don’t want or need & organize the things you have invested your hard earned money on.
Start with the unopened Amazon packages sitting by your back door or the coat hanging over the chair instead of on the coat rack or closet.
I don’t claim to be Marie Kondo, but I do believe in her principles. Her method might be a bit extreme but even if you implement some of the basics of decluttering, it’s a good start.
If you haven’t already, be sure to read my earlier blogpost, Creating a Home that Brings Out the Best in You where I share more about decluttering.
Keep it Neat
An organized home helps clear the mind.
2. Add Plants
Plants are like good friends. They boost your mood, productivity, concentration & creativity. Yes, those little green things do all that. How? By absorbing toxins, increasing humidity & producing oxygen. And hey, all they ask is that you occasionally water them, give them some sunshine & minimal food.
You don’t have to turn your home into a greenhouse, but adding fresh plants to the rooms you occupy during the day is a good place to start. My favorites are seasonal plants like fall chrysanthemums or poinsettias during the holidays.
For everyday, succulents are a good addition. They require very little water & thrive without a green thumb. I like that they are compact and look nice on a coffee table or on a bookcase.
Another one of my favorites are orchids. Their beautiful flowers linger long & blossom again with proper care. A couple of ice cubes once a week & some plant food once a month generally does the trick.
I started giving my Mom orchids some years back instead of bringing her fresh flowers. At 93 she loves caring for them & often tells me about how her plants are doing in our daily conversations.
Something to care for is always a positive in our home & life.
Fresh Plants add Life
Plants help remove the toxins in the air.
3. Showcase Things you Love
I call these treasures & I love to share them with my Granddaughter, Sloane. I show her how to hold them & respect them. These are special trinkets or objects I’ve picked up from my travels or have been passed down from my parents. You have them too. They’re the things that make you feel warm inside when you see them. That’s why it’s important to showcase them.
Our treasures serve as a reminder of the love & adventure we have experienced in our lives.
If yours are stored in a box in the basement or an attic, it’s time to go on a treasure hunt. Your treasures are special & will create positive energy in your home & they won’t cost you a penny.
4. Add color
This is a very personal choice. Everyone responds differently to color. For some of us we need vivid, rich colors & some of you might need a clean, fresh white or subtle neutrals. Whatever it is , use it to your advantage. Surrounding yourself with the colors you love is an easy way to brighten your day & lift your spirits creating a home with positive energy.
If you haven’t already, be sure to read my earlier blogpost, Designing with Your Favorite Color.
Color speaks to our hearts
Be sure you’re using color to your advantage.
5. Soothing Sound
What does your home sound like? As an interior designer, I’m so in tune to the sound of a home. Some are quiet, some are filled with the sound of the constantly changing news, & some are filled with music.
My favorite for enhancing the energy in your home is soothing music. I said it before in my earlier blogpost, 3 Ways to Make Everything You Do At Home More Enjoyable …
music soothes the soul, I call it the heartbeat of the home.
I’m not telling you that you can’t watch TV, I’m not playing parent here. I just think that it’s become a non decision to turn on the TV & fill the void of our lives. News & TV shows should be chosen selectively. It’s hard to create a positive home environment with the constant noise of the television. It can be a positive when utilized selectively. Use it wisely ;)
6. Create a Place to Unwind
What are the hobbies or interests that help detoxify your mind? Something that takes you away from electronics. Is it reading, doing yoga or meditation, exercising or perhaps working on a puzzle or creating art. Create a special place that makes it easy for you to do that thing that makes you better because of it.
It doesn’t have to be an entire room, a corner will work. Make it inviting & make it a point to utilize it at least once a week. Get in the habit of blocking out time to utilize your special place for what you love to do.
This is an essential part of creating positive energy in your home.
Make time for you
Whatever it is you love to do, create a special place in your home to make it easy to do.
7. Add Crystals
I saved this one for last because it’s something I’ve recently added to my home.
Last year I met with a client in regards to a new home her & her future husband were buying. As I was accessing her current possessions to help decide where they would work best in her new home, I felt a zap of energy. It caught me off guard but it was a good feeling, something positive. I looked at her & she smiled and started telling me about her use of crystals in her home. This one happened to be a very large Quartz Crystal known for amplification, clearing, purifying & healing , hence the positive zap. She had several of them throughout her home that she would be distributing in her new home.
As time went on, I learned that her husband- to- be, suffered of PTSD & she suffered of trauma due to a horrific car accident where a semi truck had been the cause. She enlightened me on the healing powers of crystals & how they have helped them.
It was really an incredible opportunity to be part of how she would distribute them throughout her new home.
Since then I have taken a course on Holistic Design & have learned about the positive impact that crystals can have in your home & life. I don’t claim to be an expert yet but I’m learning. As time goes on, I plan to share more about Holistic Design & the use of Crystals but meanwhile I encourage you to check out this blog by Alycia Wicker, on How to Use Crystals. This is who I’m learning from & she has a nice selection of crystals to purchase without breaking the bank. It’s a great place to start.
Crystals can have a powerful impact on your home
Get to know the qualities of crystals for the best results.
Creating a Home with Positive Energy is easy & fun. Once you implement these 7 Ingredients…Minimize Clutter, Add Plants, Showcase Things You Love, Add Color, Soothing Sound, Create a Place to Unwind & Add Crystals, you will be well on your way to a better living environment & a positive place to be your best self.
I look forward to your questions & comments below & hope you “like” this blogpost.
If you’re still struggling, consider my Local or Online Design Services! My Pick My Brain Package might be perfect for your project. I’m here to guide you!