3 Ways to Share Your Unwanted Items


So you've finished Spring cleaning! You did a fantastic job decluttering and organizing your home, but now you have garbage bags full of clothing, shoes, extra home improvement items, books, craft supplies, and furniture you no longer need. 

Instead of setting all those things out come garbage day, why not get a tax deduction and donate them? Whether you're downsizing, preparing for a new design project, or simply tired of holding on to unnecessary items, share your gently used, no longer needed, or wanted objects with someone else. 

#1: Donate: Turn Your Trash into Someone Else's Treasure

Items such as clothing, household and entertainment items, and furniture can be donated to local thrift stores or nonprofit organizations. 

Goodwill is popular and convenient, but a simple local Google search will enhance your donating location options. Many churches, local youth groups, and charities often accept donations. Remember - your trash can very well become someone else's treasure!

#2: Sell: Score Some Extra Cash

Another option is always to sell what you don't need. Bringing in some extra cash by selling in-person or online is always nice. Sites like OfferUp, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay make this process quick and painless. 

Participating in a neighborhood garage sale or having one of your own is another option. Selling your items may take a little strategizing, but where there's a will, there's a way.

#3: Recycle: Rid Your Space Responsibly 

Whether you choose to sell or donate, you will likely feel high-spirited and proud of yourself when you choose to rid your space responsibly. 

Recycling allows for your unwanted objects to get a new life and for you to have the opportunity to help those in need. Plus, it always feels good to get rid of the old and make room for the new.

Once you've gathered and sorted your belongings into donation and sell groups, my best advice is to act quickly and rid yourself of the items. This will help you avoid second-guessing, additional clutter, and procrastination. 

The quicker you can get the accumulation out of your home and off your hands, the better you (and your home) will feel!

Are you having a tough time finding the perfect elements for your room to give it that polished look? I’m ready to help you do just that. The Pull It All Together package includes a 1-hour virtual meeting, space plan, and shopping list to help you finish up your design to make it look like a million bucks.

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