3 Ways To Make Everything You Do At Home More Enjoyable
Each & every day, between the moment you pull yourself out of bed to the last sigh before you fall asleep…it’s likely that you do a million monotonous chores around your home….. Just trying to get it done to move on to the important stuff or the fun stuff.
But, what if?
You could make everything you do at home more enjoyable. Wouldn’t that be better?
Making the things you do every day as beautiful and pleasurable as possible is a way to live a happy life . Yet many of us don’t seem to do this.
In my work in interior design, I’ve noticed that many people have a tendency to save up 95 percent of their money and effort to spend on 5 percent of their lives —festive occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and holidays, and the special, more public places in the home , such as the living or dining room. Instead the way to live a beautiful life is to make the daily 95 percent of your life wonderful.
I would LOVE to claim those words because that is exactly how I feel. BUT….Those are the words of Alexandra Stoddard, author of Living a Beautiful Life. 500 Ways to Add Elegance, Order, Beauty and Joy to Every Day of Your Life.
When I first read these words in 1986 I felt a deep connection to her. I have since met her and read all of her books. She inspired me to become an interior designer. She taught me that decorating a home is to enrich the people that live within it’s walls. I consider her my Mentor & live by her philosophies & have done my best to instill them in my family & my clients.
Well, I won’t share all 500 ways but I will share 3 ways to make everything you do at home more enjoyable.
1.Start by lighting a candle
There is something sacred about the ritual of lighting a candle. We light a candle for many purposes: to illuminate darkness, dedicate prayers, solidify intentions, offer blessings, evoke Spirit, and to nourish grateful living.
The first thing I do when I come downstairs in the morning is light a candle in my kitchen. It’s part of my morning routine that sets me in motion. It’s a way of reminding me to be in the moment. There’s something about the strike of a match, the smell of sulfur & the dancing flame that feels ceremonial. It makes everything I do from emptying the dishwasher, feeding the dogs, and the million other things I do at home in the morning feel more enjoyable.
When paying the bills or cooking a meal light a candle. You’ll find that it makes mundane tasks feel special and never a burden.
Choose candles that have a soy base with a favorite fragrance that sparks warmth & joy, like vanilla or lavender. Fragrance is soothing to the soul. It elevates the way you feel. Here is an excellent article from Oprah Magazine featuring the best soy candles to buy. From the fresh smell of Rosemary Lemon to the buttery fragrance of Rum there are so many wonderful options to suit your taste.
Fragrant Jar Candles, My Favorite
Choose Candles with a Soy Base
2. Turn on the Music
Music soothes the soul. Our home is rarely without it. I call it the heartbeat of the home. Music adds pleasure to mundane activities such as cleaning. It sets the tempo. I love to clean to Madonna & cook to Pavarotti. Pop music helps me find the energy to exercise. It blows the wind in my sail. NEXT THING I KNOW, I’M DONE.
For tasks that require more concentration try classical music. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Schubert, Vivaldi…are some of my favorites. When you take away the lyrics it’s easier to focus. While repetitive tasks may seem boring and tedious, listening to classical music is a great way to zone out and make those tasks far more enjoyable while making yourself more productive in the process. In fact, there are several studies that show that this genre of music even increases the efficiency and accuracy of the work you’re doing. I have classical music playing in my office & home all day long. Even our doggies enjoy it.
What kind of music gets you going? Choose your music with purpose for the task. Create a variety of playlists with your favorites. When you choose your music with intention you’ll find the dull moments of the day come alive.
The reason why music makes everything you do at home more enjoyable is that it puts you in the moment. It’s the POWER OF NOW. Being in the moment makes your senses come alive.
Dial in to your favorite station
The music that moves & inspires you
3. Set the Lighting for the task
As you might of discovered from my previous posts, Home Lighting For Your Health & Well Being and Healthy Home Lighting, I am VERY PASSIONATE about Lighting your home properly. So what does lighting have to do with enjoying everything you do in your home? EVERYTHING. Just stop & think about how you feel on a gray, gloomy day. YUCKY, right? If you had a magic wand would you adjust the sunlight for what you’re doing today, and everyday forward? I WOULD.
So, how do you do that?
DIMMERS. Dimmer switches are to your lighting, as your volume control is to your TV. You don’t always need it full blast but sometimes you like to turn it up for an action movie. Sometimes you want it softer for a serious drama. Sometimes it’s set in the middle for a sitcom.
You need to take control of your lighting or it will take Control of you.
Who wants that?
When you’re cleaning you need to see what you’re doing, so dial it up. For cooking you need to get into the culture of the food so adjust the lighting to keep your fingers safe but helps glide you into dining mode. For paying the bills you’ll have some light from your computer but the rest of the room should glow equally to save you from eye strain.
They say it takes 30 days to create a new habit. The 3 ways to make everything you do at home more enjoyable are habits you will fall in love with once you establish the habit. I promise you that everything will be more enjoyable in your home. You’ll be jumping out of bed eagerly to face the day. Everything will feel elevated. Establish the habit starting now.
Mundane tasks are better when the lighting is just right.
Give your eyes the light they need
If you need more direction on getting started consider my Local or Online Design Services! I’m here to guide you!