Our Expert Advice for Designing a Home that Evolves With Your Family


Your home isn't simply a place where you park it. It actually holds quite a lot of responsibility. Not only does your home provide basic living essentials, but it also supports your habits, well-being, productivity, personal taste, values, interests, and family, all of which are interwoven into your life on a daily basis. It is imperative to design a home that is transitional, so that it can evolve with you and your family for years to come.

Tip #1: Create a Detailed Plan 

Planning how to best design your space prior to executing is crucial. This step allows ideas to permeate and trial and error to occur without risk. The goal is to make each design concept: meet your needs by providing comfort and function, while simultaneously suffusing your style and bringing it all together in a safe and beautiful way. I like to say, the more detail and direction we can add to our plans, the better.


Tip #2: Design With Functionality in Mind 

So, how do we move from planning to making your home look like your many Pinterest boards? Functionality is the name of the game! This is where storage and organization opportunities present themselves- and you can never have too much of either of those. Adding things like built-ins, custom cabinetry, or electrical wiring/outlets allows you to explore design concepts, better evaluate your room layout, and refine details so that your home can best assist your family's lifestyle.


Tip #3: Invest in Quality Materials 

Don't forget to finesse your home with the details, big and small. Investing in quality materials and products that last will add quality, longevity, and value to your property. Spending your money on super finishes is worth it if it supports a household need. While this will require an investment upfront, the return will usually supersede the price tag going in. The key here is to balance the practical spending with decorative.


At the end of the day, your home should feel like an extension of you and your family. The best way to enhance the livability of your home is to ensure that it is tailored to and can keep up with the specified needs of your family. As your family grows and evolves, so will interests and styles. With a strong design foundation, you will have all the tools you need to progress with you. 

Should you find yourself needing assistance along the way to create visual harmony and a sense of continuity while refining your living environment, I am always here to support you. With our Interior Finish Selection package, I can help you make smart decisions when it comes to selecting the right interior finishes for your home so you can feel supported on your home design journey.

